Ferro is listed on @cryptocom . You can buy $FER with over 20 fiat currencies. Buying, selling, and sending all in one app.
05 Jul 2022, 10:30
π Ferro is listed on @cryptocom !
You can buy $FER with over 20 fiat currencies.
Buying, selling, and sending all in one app β
Download their app and get your hands on some $FER now π±
π Ferro is listed in the App!
Buy $FER at true cost with USD, EUR, GBP, and 20+ fiat currencies.
Download the App to buy, sell, and send #FER now π
For more details -
Same news in other sources
105 Jul 2022, 11:36
π Ferro is listed on Crypto.com !
You can buy $FER with over 20 fiat currencies.
Buying, selling, and sending all in one app β
Download their app and get your hands on some $FER now π±
Ferro is listed on Crypto. You can buy $FER with over 20 fiat currencies. Buying, selling, and sending all in one app.
π Ferro is listed on Crypto.com !
You can buy $FER with over 20 fiat currencies.
Buying, selling, and sending all in one app β
Download their app and get your hands on some $FER now π±